Grade Twelve: My Final Year of High School

This is the best part of my teenage life…and yet it’s so hecticccc!! Don’t get me wrong, this probably is going to be the best part of my teenage life, but it’s just too much stress. I think many of my peers will agree to that as well. I have so much stuff to do and not enough time, can you believe that? I’m only seventeen years old, and I don’t have enough time. I have to help plan events in the school year, I have to help out with sports games, I have to keep debate club in order, I have to get Latino club started – and don’t even get me started on university applications. This is too hectic!! I have only myself to blame, though, because I took all these tasks upon me and the reason I am even more stressed out is because I am not organized. Even this submission is late (LOL). Do I want free time to just do nothing and chill all day? Yes. Do I want to stop everything right now and just give up? No. No, I won’t give up because I am not a quitter and I strongly believe that people reap what they sow. I know lots of us are thinking “Forget this, I’ll just become a stripper”, I just have 7 words for you guys, “It’s All Worth It In The End.”

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