Turn Up the Music?

Recently, the media has been in over its head over the controversy that surrounds singer Chris Brown’s song “Turn Up the Music”. What, you ask, is it that has the media buzzing about this particular song? Well, for one thing, Chris Brown’s ex-girlfriend Rihanna is featured in this song. (Both are pictured at right.)


Do you remember the time when one actually played outside, or met up with friends and actually spoke, or when people actually had physical communication and did not hide behind the screens of their phones all day long? Those days no longer exist. Instead, today much of the Western population, youth especially, spend their time behind the screens of their Continue reading Crackberry

Leisure Time in Jane and Finch

Being a youth in Jane and Finch has certain expectations. The children can be seen running around in a very carefree manner at any given time of the day. Depending on their ages, hereditary genes, etc., their teeth may appear pearly white, sand-beige and many are still losing teeth. However this does not stop them from smiling.

Sandbox Rules that Stick for Life

This past Thanksgiving weekend, I took the time out to acknowledge what it is that I am truly thankful for – my family. I have an aunt that lives north of the city with her husband and two beautiful children. Each time I visit, and I must confess I should more often, I like to bring little treats for her Continue reading Sandbox Rules that Stick for Life

First 2011 ACT For Youth Intern Blog Posting

Good evening, My name is Grace Good and I am going to be in charge of the ACT For Youth blog spot. My fellow youth interns will also be blogging on topics they find interesting or of importance to them (i.e. community events that have taken place or upcoming community events, quotes, or even a space to blog about how Continue reading First 2011 ACT For Youth Intern Blog Posting