Welcome to our 2013-2014 NOISE Fellows!

We have now completed the recruitment and application processes for the 2013-2014 NOISE Fellows and have now offered a spot to 40 youth (from CW Jefferys C. I. and Emery C. I.) and 40 BSW students from the School of Social Work at York University.

The NOISE Team is really looking forward to welcoming them and supporting their NOISE Making

Our Youth Fellows have completed their orientation and four full days of Summer Learning Retreat in late August. The 2013 SLR in pictures

Both Youth Fellows and Social Work Fellows will be assigned to a Community Action Pod made up of 8 to 10 fellows plus a Social Work Alum Fellow and a Faculty Adviser. Each pod will be facilitated by a MSW Graduate Assistant. New this year, each MSW Graduate Assistant will be assisted by a Social Service Intern from Seneca @ York University or a BSW Intern.

As we look forward to NOISE 2.0, we fondly look back to NOISE 1.0 and all the wonderful people that made it happen.

Here’s a video that was shot at the NOISE 1.0 Spring Learning Festival.

Click here to watch a video clip about NOISE 1.0