Hello, my name is Jason. I just recently graduated from an amazing program called the Advanced Credit Experience (ACE) program.
I have been up at York University’s Keele Campus for the entire first semester. During that time, I received a university credit, as well as four high school credits. I participated in a university course, found out what a tutorial is like, and experienced the stress of everyday university life. I also took an online high school course, a co-operative education (co-op) course, and I took a whole semesters’ worth of grade 12 Philosophy in three weeks in January.
I have to say that being a part of the ACE program really changed my view of university life. I always thought of being a university student as having to know a lot of complicated words and thinking a lot and everything else that is associated with university. In actuality, university is almost like high school, except there is no one there to tell you what to do, or how you are supposed to do something. You are completely by yourself; the Teaching Assistant is OK when explaining some of what the professor said in the lecture, but you basically have to know what your study and note-taking habits are like. AND YOU NEED TO KNOW AND LEARN THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It starts in high school, the type of learner and note-taker you are, and to learn the skills that are needed for university.
I graduated from the program with my classmates and the students of James Cardinal McGuigan on January 31st at 6:30PM. I received a certificate stating my completion of my program, and an awesome sweater that says YORK ACE PROGRAM and is red. I had an amazing time and I cannot wait until I graduate from high school so I can move on with my educational career.
Fantastic info and entertainingly written. Keep up the excellent stuff!